Monday, July 19, 2010

Bible Reading 101

Recently, I have been fond of reading books about improving all aspects of life. Eventually, I noticed that the lessons from those books were also included in one of the most sold books of all time - the Bible. Since I have been neglecting my spiritual aspect of life for quite a long time now, I have decided that I will be including it in my "to-read" books. This would make me spiritually richer and at the same time, wiser and more knowledgeable.

If you are like me who's just starting to read the bible but don't know where to start, maybe this simple guideline would help.

Choose a reading plan to help you read the Bible in an organized way. Reading plans include Chronological Plans, Historical, Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms & Proverbs Plans. Some reading plans also include One-Year plans which have a strict schedule of reading passages every day for a year. Other plans also include Mixed Old & New Testament, and Beginning to End. However, it is recommended to read the New Testament first before the Old Testament because the New Testament is what is intended for us today.

Before reading the Bible, always start with a prayer asking for God's guidance. This does not have to be long. Even the Lord's Prayer may also be used as a starting prayer.

Start by reading passages in a slow and attentive manner. This way it is easier to understand the meaning of what is written in the text. Whenever you don't understand passages, you may reread them until they become clear enough. If ever passages are really hard to understand, you may note down the chapter and verse of the particular text so that you may check back on it some other time. Meditation can also help in better understanding and have a clearer mind. It is also advisable to limit your reading to only about five chapters a day. This will enable you to easily absorb what you have read.

If you are reading the New Testament, you may consider reading the chapters in the following order: Mark, Matthew, John, Luke, Acts, Galatians, and then finish the rest of the books from Romans to Revelation. The book of Mark is listed first because of the reason that it was written chronologically. The book of Luke and Acts are also placed that way because Acts is the continuation of Luke and that they are both written by Luke. Galatians, on the other hand, is recommended to be read before Romans since it deals with the reasons why we do not follow the Old Testament Laws in a much simpler way.

End each Bible reading with some reflection and meditation on the text that you have read. Always try to remember what you have learned and apply it to your daily life. Ultimately, the application of what you have read is the most important thing.

Reading the bible is a personal thing. It doesn't matter how many times a week you read it as long as you are true to what you are doing. If you are really serious about reading the bible, it is recommended to do it every day. Just a few verses or even chapters from a particular book will do. Just be sure you understand, learn and apply what you have read.

Reading the Bible is itself a whole different journey in life. Reading it will make you feel a lot of different kinds of emotions and can teach you many important things in life. This might be the reason why the Bible is one of or maybe even the best selling book of all time.


  1. Thanks for the comment. I do agree so much that "Reading the Bible is itself a whole different journey in life." There is always something new, even in verses I've read since a child. Now, excuse me while I spend some time roaming around your site.

  2. Good points for Bible reading. Might I also suggest a study Bible of some sort. Most people find it easier to apply to their lives than just reading the words that can easily confuse or go over your head. I know my study Bible has made a huge difference.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
